Books: Top 10 greatest books to improve entrepreneur skill and make business successful


Books: Top 10 greatest books to improve entrepreneur skill and make business successful

Hello ! my enthusiastic readers and learners I am back with my new blog and this blog is all about some of the greatest books in the field of entrepreneurship which will help and guide new comers in the business and career to make their own value and their rule. In today's time every time is updated and more enhanced with the help of great minds in each field. Similar case is with business too. So, new business startups need to know about the tactics of business from past and apply in present with positive aim for future. So here in this blog we are going to know about major 10 books to develop the skill of entrepreneurs who are in their very early stage of their business. So without wasting anymore moments let's get to the list of:

Books: Top 10 greatest books to improve entrepreneur skill and make business successful


1) Lost and Founder (By Rand Fishkin):

Lost and Founder  was written by Rand Fishkin, the former CEO of Moz, in 2018 which shows the different up and downs, rise and falls that a entrepreneur has to face in his/her business. The book reveals such aspects which every entrepreneur may keep secret and wouldn't tell anyone. The aim of the writer is to make the new beginners able to run a successful business and be successful.

2) How to Win Friends and Influence People ( By Dale Carnegie):

How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie was published in 1936. This book was also listed in the Time Magazine's list of the 100 most influential books on the rank of 19. This book shows the ways how we can handle different people according to their own personality and influence other. It also emphasis on the techniques to maintain a perfect balance between the personal and the professional life in an effective way.

3) Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion(By Robert B. Cialdini):

Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion was written by Robert B. Cialdini and published in 1984. This book was listed in the list of New York Times' Best Sellers List. In this book he weiter teaches the art of persuasion and its psychology into six principles. It teaches us on how to persuade people to say 'YES' or 'NO' according to our own will.

4) The Lean Startup (Eric Ries):

The Lean Startup was written by Eric Ries and was published in 2011. This book show the methods to expand and grow business and take quick decisions with whatever knowledge we have. This book is a complete guide for modern businesses to run successfully.

5) The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People(By Stephen Covey):

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People was written by Stephen Covey and was published in 1989. This book is a self-development book. This book shows the writer's view that our world is how we perceive it and is entirely based on our perceptions. This book provides us with seven methods to improve our personality and to increase our productivity.

6) Thinkertoys: A Handbook of Creative Thinking Techniques(By Michael Michalko):

Thinkertoys: A Handbook of Creative Thinking Techniques was written by Michael Michalko and published in 1991. This book is a complete guide on how to make new ideas for business and increase the analytical thinking power of the owner to tackle marketing problems with very efficient  techniques. This book helps to solve real life problems with easy ways.

7) The 4-Hour Workweek(By Tim Ferriss):

The 4-Hour Workweek was written by Tim Ferriss and was published in 2007. This book helps a owner to get break from their corporate life and live happy life by showing simple ways which should be adopted by the owner. This book is helpful for those people who are unable to keep life before work due to financial constraints.

8) The One Minute Manager(By Kenneth H. Blanchard and Spencer Johnson):

The One Minute Manager by Kenneth H. Blanchard and Spencer Johnson was published in 1982. This book is all for managers to improve their professional life and to stay happy and committed in life.

9) The $100 Startup(By Chris Guillebeu):

The $100 Startup was written by Chris Guillebeu and was published in 2012. This book shows how a person can use his/her skills and knowledge to start a new business even with very low investment like $100 or even less. It shows the chances and ways to grow a very small business with a low budget to a large scale company.

10) The Entrepreneur Mind(By Kevin Johnson):

The Entrepreneur Mind was written by Kevin Johnson and was published in 2012. This book shows some easy lessons related with marketing strategies, finance, leadership and people. This book also contains some anecdotes from writer's experience.

However this is not the end of the list of greatest books for entrepreneurs because as mentioned already that these fields are always updated with new great minds so may be we will get more influencial books in the near future which will be even better. But till then interested and optimistic learners and have their knowledge increased and broadened with the books mentioned above to make their entrepreneur skill more better and get their business successful.

So, this much for this blog. I hope this blog helped you to know some of the greatest books for improving entrepreneurship skill and make business successful and if you have any queries about this blog or any suggestions then please feel free to share it with me in the comment section below. And also do subscribe to my blog to get notified about my new blogs when I publish them.

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