Facebook: Top 10 unknown facts you must know.

Facebook: Top 10 unknown facts you must know.

              Hey ! Everyone Welcome to my new blog with some fascinating facts.In this technological era there is no one getting away from Facebook. The influence of this social media can be seen in every corner of the web from the sites growing underground popularity in China where the site is banned to the fact that approximately 30% of the American adults get their news from Facebook.

Facebook: Top 10 unknown facts you must know.

Facebook is very common and usual these days and everyone is using it as a important mean to communicate with people around world. But this common thing has alot of unknown facts that every facebook user must know.So, here is the list of TOP 10 UNKNOWN FACTS about Facebook.

1. The first face on Facebook was of Al Pacino.

 A very early appearance of the site displayed a header image featuring a man's face hidden behind binary code and the identity of the man could not be seen clearly but later it was revealed that the face was of acclaimed actor Al Pacino Peter.

2. Peter Thiel, the co-founder of PayPal was the first major investor to back Facebook.

 Peter, a luminary in the startup and venture capital world saw the site's potential and invested $500,000 in young company in 2004. Peter later sold his stake in the company for more than 1 billion dollars.

3. Sean Parker, originally acquired the facebook.com/ domain name for $200,000. 

Parker was the driving force in the renaming of site and was highly influential as the site exploded in popularity.

4. Mark Zuckerberg suffers from red-green color blindness.

 This is also why Facebook's primary color scheme is blue although it certainly doesn't hurt that blue is also strongly associated with trust and security these are the two concepts essential in getting people to voluntarily part with a person information.

5. Facebook stores approximately 300 petabytes of user data on its servers. 

There are 1 million gigabytes in a petabyte. The entire written works of humankind in every known language including Latin another historical languages from the dawn of recorded history would occupy approximately 50 petabytes, now think about the fact for a minute.

6. Every minute Facebook is down, approximately twenty four thousand four hundred and twenty dollars costs to Facebook.

 In August 2014, Facebook was down for 19 minutes and it costed Facebook four hundred and twenty seven thousand dollars. Facebook monitor you Facebook also track of website you visit and also track your activities you do even after logout from Facebook.

7. Six hundred thousand hacking attempts.

 As Facebook is growing day by day and becoming the number one social networking site so the security is concerned for the giant social networking site more than six hundred thousand hacking attempts are made every day these are the largest hacking attempts made on a specific site.

8. More than 100 thousand friend requests are sent over Facebook in every 10 minutes.

This is amazing and shocking also that there are about 30 million dead people on Facebook it is those accounts who passed away but their accounts are still active.

9. Facebook has 95 million users in China.

 Facebook has 95 million users in China despite being blocked by the Chinese government, Facebook is ranked as third for divorce cases. Facebook is ranked the third in the divorce filing which means Facebook has become the major platform of divorce and also acts as a source of evidence in these cases.

10. Facebook's like button used to be the awesome button.

 Facebook engineer, Andrew Bosworth said that he and other engineers were enthusiastic about the awesome button but that idea was ultimately eliminated by Zuckerberg in 2007. The site then confirmed to use the like button. Facebook's user base grows by 8 people per second or seven thousand two hundred and forty six people every 15 minutes also Facebook earns an average of five point eight five dollars for every Facebook user in the United States and Canada. These two countries also have among the highest monthly active users of any country in the world making North America a vitally important market for Facebook.

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